Heightened Security

Couse Overview

For groups of up to 20 people.

Session Objectives

At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Outline Possible Emergency Responses for Security based incidents
  2. State the principles of a Lockdown response
  3. Explain why security is everyone’s responsibility
  4. Detail the importance greeting strangers on site
  5. Outline the steps in dealing with aggressive or violent behaviour
  6. Define Bomb Incidents
  7. List the actions taken in bomb / suspicious item, or suspicious mail incidents

Learning Strategies

Lectures and guided discussion supported by light show presentation, including
movies, a Walk-around familiarisation exercise would also be included.

Training Resources

A suitable room for up to twenty people to include: access to mains power, table
and chairs, a projector and a blank wall for projecting onto (If not available Adair will
provide a screen and a projector at a cost), Laptop (Adair will provide).

Trainee Requirements

Although hand-outs are provided for this training session Trainees are encouraged
to bring notepad and pen for any notes they may like add. If Wardens have their
Emergency Procedure Manuals they may also wish to bring this along for further

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