Fire and evacuation awareness training

For groups of up to 20 people. To provide site specific initial and/or refresher training in fire and evacuation awareness and the use of fire extinguishers to Wardens and staff members.

Session Objectives

At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  1. Define the emergency response procedure priorities
  2. Detail your preparation & planning to deal with an emergency
  3. Explain the role and duties of management and staff during an
  4. Discuss human behaviour in emergencies.
  5. Explain the location of the Master/Internal Emergency Control Point and
    normal Emergency Assembly Area.
  6. Explain how to size up whether or not to attempt first attack fire fighting
  7. Demonstrate an ability to select the correct extinguisher or other first
    attack fire fighting equipment for a particular type of fire.
  8. Demonstrate an ability to safely operate fire extinguishers and other first
    attack fire fighting equipment.

Learning Strategies

Lectures and guided discussion supported by light show presentation, including movies, followed by demonstration and practice in use of equipment.

Training Resources

A suitable room for up to twenty people to include: access to mains power, table and
chairs, a blank wall for projecting onto (If not available Adair will provide a screen
and projector at a cost),Laptop (Adair will provide).
A safe area for the practical demonstration of extinguishers (Must be outside or in a
well ventilated location away from fire detection/sprinkler systems)
We have included the supply and refilling of fire extinguishers and the supply of a gas
fire demonstrator, fuel and fire blankets for training

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