Dealing with difficulties during an evacuations

For groups of up to 20 people. To provide initial and/or refresher training in dealing with occupants with disabilities,
uncooperative staff and other factors that may complicate a building/workplace

Session Objectives

Course Aims – Identify factors that may complicate an evacuation.

  • Identify types of physical/mental impairments that Wardens and escorts
    may need to be aware of in an emergency.
  • Discuss procedures for assisting occupants with various types of
  • Discuss the role of the Escort prior to an evacuation.
  • Define the role of the Escorts in during a building evacuation.
  • Identify holding points within your workplace and discuss.
  • Practical demonstration of an evacuation with occupants who have
    various impairments and discussion of best methods.

Learning Strategies

Lectures and guided discussion supported by light show presentation, including
movies and a practical demonstration.

Training Resources

A suitable room for up to twenty people to include: access to mains power, table and
chairs, a projector, a blank wall for projecting onto (If not available Adair will
provide a screen and projector at a cost), Laptop (Adair will provide).

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