Heightened Security

- Heightened Security

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Outline Possible Emergency Responses for Security based incidents State the principles of a Lockdown response Explain why security is everyone’s responsibility Detail the importance greeting strangers on site Outline the steps in dealing with aggressive or violent behaviour Define Bomb Incidents List […]

Residential awareness for retired living facilities

- Residential awareness for retired living facilities

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Identify types of emergencies that may occur within Unit or Stage Outline the Emergency Response Priorities. Understand the correct procedure in the even of a Fire Understand the correct procedure in a Medical Emergency Identify the correct procedures for a potential Security […]

Evacuation exercises

- Evacuation exercises

Session Objectives Our service would provide for the following at the evacuation exercise: Immediate pre-briefing of all wardens Provide a realistic scenario and oversee the activities Oversee the Chief Warden’s implementation of the evacuation Conduct the post-evacuation de-briefing and prepare a written reporton the exercise. The actual time to conduct an exercise will depend on […]

Fire and evacuation awareness training

- Fire and evacuation awareness training

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Define the emergency response procedure priorities Detail your preparation & planning to deal with an emergency Explain the role and duties of management and staff during anemergency. Discuss human behaviour in emergencies. Explain the location of the Master/Internal Emergency Control Point andnormal […]

Dealing with difficulties during an evacuations

- Dealing with difficulties during an evacuations

Session Objectives Course Aims – Identify factors that may complicate an evacuation. Identify types of physical/mental impairments that Wardens and escortsmay need to be aware of in an emergency. Discuss procedures for assisting occupants with various types ofdisabilities Discuss the role of the Escort prior to an evacuation. Define the role of the Escorts in […]

Hazardous Spills Response Training

- Hazardous Spills Response Training

For groups of up to 20 people Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: At the end of the session, participants should be able to: Define and understand industry relevant terminology Identify, assess and handle fuel spills, containment and clean-up Provide and use procedures for risk control Initiate suggestions […]

Warden Training – Non Accredited

- Warden Training - Non Accredited

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Define the emergency response procedure priorities Identify fire detection and protection equipment in your workplace Discuss human behavior in emergencies Explain the structure of the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) Define the function, roles and responsibilities of the Emergency Planning Committee Explain how […]

Chief Warden Training

- Chief Warden Training

Session Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: Identify priorities at emergency situations Define Control, Command, Co-ordination, Communication and Cooperation Discuss the roles and responsibilities of ECO members Define the role and responsibilities of the responding Emergency Services Have an understanding of the leadership cycle Explain emergency management plan Outline […]

Active Shooter Training

active shooter training

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: List examples of Active Shooter Incidents in Australia Name Characteristics of Active Shooter Incidents List Prevention Activities Explain State Objectives in Active Shooter Incidents List Police Response to Active Shooter Incidents Explain the basic principle of locking down a facility Explain the […]

Bomb Threat Awareness and Response

bomb threat awareness

Session Objectives At the end of this session, participants should be able to: Define the term bomb and identify what a bomb looks like Identify the reasons for bombs or bomb threats Discuss the statistics relating to bomb incidents within Australia Explain specific and non-specific bomb threats Discuss the procedure for receiving bomb threats Describe […]